måndag 3 december 2007

Knappen tack...

Clabbe// I must ask you
Beatrice .. ?
Clabbe// do you want to see me again?
Beatrice .. why you ask me this?
Clabbe// because I am wondering
Clabbe // I do really like you

Beatrice ... i am a litlle afraid about this...
Clabbe// hehe
Clabbe// Noticed that
Clabbe// that is why i am asking
Clabbe// so we know were we are

Beatrice... i think we are very close from some poits but alsovery different from others...
Beatrice... that's why i cant see in the future..
Clabbe// mkay
Clabbe// but you still wanna see me again?

Beatrice .. to be honest with you, i dont really know what to say now...
Clabbe// Yes?
Clabbe// No?

Beatrice ... :-)
Clabbe// ok... I understand
Clabbe// Go to bed now so you will be alive tomorrow for the tests ;)

Beatrice... i am a litlle confused about this situation
Clabbe// in what way are you confused?
Beatrice..about my feelings
Clabbe// ok
Clabbe// go with the ones that say yes ;)
Clabbe// kidding

Beatrice .. better go now to bed
Clabbe// do so

Går igenom den här konversationen vi hade för mer
än 1 mpnad sen... Kan inte släppa det...
Det gjorde ont att höra...
Nu vill hon plötsligt, eller ska träffa mig igen..

Var är knappen sitter knappen så man kan switcha
av skallen och tankarna?

1 kommentar:

mamaMill sa...

Jag tror det är hennes switch on-knapp du ska hitta ;)

(inte sexuellt menat nu alltså..)