I mean...
He must have fallen down from the stupidtree and hit every branch on the way down..
Came back to Prague yesterday and stayed up a loooooooong time to a wonderful voice in GBG on the other side of Skype...
Went to bed around 5 this morning..
But hey I had holiday today so I was supposed to just sleep the whole day...
At 08.33, Nick called me and wondered where I was...
Im off today I told him... look in the holiday sheet.. And so he did...
Eeehhh... No.. was his answer...
So I started to wonder if I have mixed up the dates with my next trip to Sthlm...
So I went up after a 3 hours sleep, hit the shower and then got dressed and took the Metro in to the office to save time.
When I come into the office, I notice that half the office is off sick..
And I didn´t have to do dispatch today but I was to plan my old segment.
And of course, me stumbeling in 9.30 instead of 8 had alot to do the try to sort out the mess from the weekend which took a bit of time since I also had to set my mind in to the last 4 days of planning to get some form over overwiev over the situation.
Started to go through my mails to the idiot, and found the mail where I had requested holiday between the 26:th Jan until the 5:th Feb... Posted on the 15:th December!!!
But the idiot haden´t put it into the sheet...
At the same time I looked up if he had put in the holiday I requested in March..
What do you think?
He has already said it is ok for me to take those days so I bought my ticket yesterday.
If he now comes and says no...
I don´t give a shit...
I´m going anyway...
And now he is on holiday skiing...
A trip that he has been planning the last 3 weeks during workinghours...
This is to you!
After been planning all day without taking any lunch due to the fact of me planning...
We decided to go to Druhej Svet to have a good meal...
So me, Nick, Stig and Anttii went to the tram and took No 11 towards Muzeum.
And the it happens after 2 stations..
The ticket guys shows up and askes for the ticket...
I´ve been freeriding on the Praha City Trafic since I got back from Manchester in the end of September last year.
I´ve passed a few ticketcontrols without being stopped, but then again I prefeer to take the Tram for 2 reasons.
1. You see the city outside, and in the morning, during those 30min it takes you actually see the city slowely waking up to a brand new day.
2. There are 500 times more ticketcontrols in the Metro then on trams...
I have been stoped once in the Metro without a ticket, this was on a friday in november...
And the rules are that if you can´t show a valid ticket you will have to pay a fine of 500czk on the spot. If you can´t do that, you will have to identify you and get like a ticket to pay within 7 days at a special office.
If you can´t provide a identity Police is called in to try to establish your identity.
Anyway... I answer I don´t have a ticket..
500 crowns, the fat guy says and put out his hand.
- I don´t have any money, I reply
- OK, then we call Police, 5000czk in fine.
- Fine, Call them
I pull out my driverslicence to identfy myself, at the same time the fat guy see my VISA cards.
- You go bankomat to get money!
- I don´t have any money, salary on monday.
- OK, I call police.. Big fine..
- Do that, I say again...
But he dosen´t really give in so he say again and eagerly pointing at the cards..
- You go bankomat to get money and pay!
- I DON`T HAVE ANY MONEY, SALARY ON MONDAY, I reply once again with a raised voice.
And the fat guy tries again...
- We go up to bankomat and get money...!
This is when I´m getting a bit irritated.
- I don´t have any money, today friday, on monday, salary!!??
- Oh, you go away! he answeres and waves me off...
Strike 1 :)
And the fine on 5000czk was a fat lie as he was...
That´s why I insisted on calling the Police..
But I guess it is to much paperwork for them...
Anyhow.. He askes for the ticket and I reply that I don´t have any..
-Ok, you pay 500 and holds out his hand...
- I don´t have any money on me, I reply (my backpocket was stuffed!)
Pull out my driverslicence once again.
The inspector inspects the licence and calls his collegue.
they discuss in Czech, and the collegue says..
- You must pay..
- I don´t have any money on me...
- But you must pay if you go on tram..
- But I still don´t have any money..
They discuss a few seconds...
- OK, you follow off..
At the next stop we get of and the collegue says...
- If you don´t pay you must go... Sorry...
And I wander of laughing for myself..
STRIKE 2!!!!
So we will see what happens next time :)
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